About us
Qhubeka is an Nguni word that means “to progress”, “to move forward”.
People earn bicycles through our programmes, improving their access to schools, clinics and jobs. A bicycle is a tool that helps people to travel faster and further, to generate income and to carry more. In the face of extreme and persistent poverty, bicycles can change lives by helping to address socioeconomic challenges at the most basic level – helping people to get where they need to go.
A SHIFT is a Qhubeka bicycle project that aims to distribute 5 000 bicycles into a specific geographic area, with the aim of helping to SHIFT the entire community forward.
Our programmes are based throughout South Africa, predominantly in our SHIFT areas, and are implemented in communities together with our partners.

We measure the success of our programmes by their sustained impact over a decade.
If we return to an area after 10 years, our hope is that we will find fresh Qhubeka bicycle tracks on the ground.
Recent SHIFT area visit
Watch this video to see how bicycles change the daily lives of people from the Groot Marico area in the North West Province of South Africa.

Bicycles make people happy, happy people make happy families and happy families make happy communities.
Want to know more?
Download our digital brochure or contact us